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Jody Resnick Selected to Speak on Responsive Design at SMX Advanced 2013 Seattle Conference

folder_openIndustry News, Responsive Website Design

Trighton’s CEO, Jody Resnick, has been chosen to speak on Responsive Design at SMX Advanced, the Search industry’s largest conference of the year – SMX Advanced Seattle 2013.

In response to the mobile and tablet explosion of 2012-2013, the world of search engine marketing has shifted dramatically from a focus on traditional websites and mobile sites to managing search in a multiscreen world.  Always on the cutting edge of the industry, Search Marketing Expo (SMX) has planned a session on this very topic at its SMX Advanced Conference, June 11-12, 2013, in Seattle, Washington.

The session description focuses on marketing for today’s multiscreen consumer:  “Consumers use multiple devices every day. Maybe they start on a smartphone, move to a PC during at work hours, check the smartphone periodically and finish the evening at home on a tablet.
Search is a central part of all these experiences. Research that begins on one device may conclude with a transaction on another…or in a physical location. How do marketers address this new, vastly more complex consumer behavior?”

Responsive Design at SMX

The answer, of course, isn’t simple, but at the SMX Advanced Conference I will be presenting the concept of responsive design as the simplest and most affordable solution to address search for multiple devices.  In my presentation, I will highlight the fact that responsive design delivers more natural search traffic over the long-term; increases conversions by matching the device experience with what consumers want to do when they’re using a specific device; and cuts paid search costs while increasing ROI.

Trighton Interactive’s clients have seen the benefits of responsive design firsthand.  Their websites have gained in search engine ratings, bringing more traffic to their sites, and since users get the experience that want with responsive websites that load optimally on all devices, conversion rates and ROI have also increased.

If increased traffic, conversions, and ROI sound appealing, contact Trighton to discuss Responsive Web Design, Search Marketing Integration, or any other project you have in mind – 800.407.2068
SMX Responsive DesignView all SMX Advanced 2013 Speakers.

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