
Online marketing news

Hyper Local Targeting – An Advanced Strategy You Should Know About

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Hyper local targeting is an advanced online mobile marketing tactic that allows businesses to reach consumers on mobile devices and target them depending on their specific location, the time of day, and even the weather and other factors they are experiencing. This mobile marketing tactic has proven to be extremely effective for regional businesses, as it enables them to reach the most relevant consumers and drive them to the desired business.  In addition, by implementing hyper local targeting, businesses can eliminate the cost of advertising to irrelevant audiences that would have possibly ignored their messages.

So how important is local targeting? While many companies have a large national presence, most service industries and small businesses serve a very specific geographic area. One of our clients, Virtual Fleet Supervisor, specializes in GPS Fleet Tracking. One way their customers use their fleet tracking services is by looking at reports and other metrics to define patterns in routes, customer clusters and other indicators of ways they can improve services. This geo-targeting not only provides data on who may have a higher propensity to use their services, but also saves money on fuel by maximizing areas that are already somewhat engaged.

Hyper local targeting can also provide new opportunities for advertisers to display ads for a local business with relevant offers that resonate with a searcher’s intent.  For example, a local restaurant special may be displayed if someone is searching for food, or special deals on parking may be displayed when a person searches for a sports venue.

Hyper local advertising can be an extremely effective marketing tactic because consumers are actually searching for a certain type of business on a mobile device, see relevant ads, and quickly go to a desired business.  If you are interested in running a hyper local advertising campaign, please contact us today!

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