Blogging is an effective way to provide information and build trust among readers (potential customers/clients). But blogging is also an excellent way to increase targeted traffic to your website. By incorporating a few simple search engine optimization (SEO) strategies into your blogging process, you can maximize your blogging potential to generate new business.
1. Use a keyword to attract your target market. Keyword research will reveal what terms people are using to search for your business, products, and/or services. Ideally, each page of your website is keyed to a different keyword. As an addition to your website, your blog post should be keyed to a word that has not been used for other pages but that will generate traffic to your website.
2. Write a good title for your blog post. Titles are what attract readers, so you want to let them know what to expect from the blog using words that will get their interest. In addition, titles are what Google and other search engines use when crawling and indexing the web. Therefore, you want to make sure to use the chosen keyword in your title so Google and other search engines will find your blog post.
3. Encourage blog post readers to access other pages of your website by including a link or two to other relevant pages. After all, you want visitors to your website to read as much about your products/services as possible and make a purchase or contact you for more information or to schedule a meeting.
4. Optimize your blog post (or have your internet marketing agency take care of this for you). Easy-to-use SEO plugins can evaluate your post given your chosen keyword and let you know how you can improve it. If your site is built with WordPress, check out the Yoast SEO plugin. We have had great success with that tool. If you are investing the time to write content for your blog, make sure to take advantage of the SEO potential and increase traffic to your blog with SEO.
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