Deborah Schwartz, PhD
Director of Content Strategy
Deborah’s parents always used to tell a story about her as a child to make a point about her drive for perfection and share a laugh about her sensitivity. At the dinner table one night when she was six years old, her father tried praising her accomplishments at school by telling her she was very “conscientious.” According to the story, she looked at him in shock, burst out in tears, and ran from the table crying, “He called me conscientious!”
Yes, in her young mind, her father had called her a bad name, and she didn’t like it one bit. However, through the years, as the story was told over and over, Debbie came to appreciate the truth and value in her father’s assessment of her first-grade work ethic.
Today, as she looks back at all she has accomplished and reflects on her work as Director of Content Strategy at Trighton Interactive, she realizes how being conscientious has been and is core to who she is and how she approaches life. From helping her children with school work to maintaining her lawn and home to obtaining her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan and teaching writing courses for college students, she has always strived to do her best, to do exceptional work – more than what is expected – and never settle for mediocre or just okay.
Deborah knows she’s in good company at Trighton. Like her, her Trighton colleagues and clients expect exceptional work. They don’t settle for easy or familiar, but rather, reach for the exceptional, the best-in-class, in their website design, digital marketing, content creation and responsiveness to clients.
Proactive in her approach to content creation, Deborah reviews clients’ websites on an ongoing basis, continually searching for opportunities to improve, refresh and amplify their content. She researches current issues relevant to clients’ practice areas, creates web pages and blog posts on timely topics, collaborates with Trighton’s digital marketing and design experts on creative development and distribution strategies, and responds quickly to clients’ need for fresh content. Her content for lawyers has been awarded perfect scores for engagement, relevance and clarity in rigorous interactive media competitions.
In her eight years with Trighton, Deborah has watched the agency grow and thrive because of its commitment to excellence and expertise in law firm web design and digital marketing and its total commitment to providing prompt, exceptional service to each client. She is proud to have been part of Trighton’s success and to have helped successful law firms achieve their aspirational goals and climb ahead of their competitors. Ever the conscientious one, she looks forward to helping Trighton’s clients exceed their aggressive business development goals with innovative content and strategic digital marketing.
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